Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Hi again.  I am supposed to be making beet jelly but have misplaced my recipe.  I came up here to see if it was on my desk (I cleaned it yesterday).  It wasn't, so here I am.  This is a short note for those having trouble leaving comments.  All comments are enabled, even anonymous.  You can leave a comment using just your name, a nickname or us anonymous.  You go to the bottom of the post, look for the comments or no comments words and click on that.  It will ask a name or url or whatever you want to use.  Dennis just clicked on name and put in his first name.  Skip the url, it is optional.  Then leave your comment.  Unfortunately you have to deal with the spam blocking feature, over which I have no control.  You will see a picture.  Type in what it is, ie. eight, eleven or whatever.  Then type what you see in the squiggly letters.  It is a bit of a test, for sure.  If they are not clear just hit the refresh button that they give you and try again.  I am sorry it is so complicated but once you get the hang it goes rather easily.  Once you have typed in the two words, hit publish.  It should work. 

We had our first frost last night.  It must have been a very light frost.  It hit the top of the truck and the deck, but the garden, including the green beans and yellow beans, is still fine!  Hard to believe.  The potatoes, on the other hand, look a bit wilted.  The tubers will be fine though as they are deep in the ground. 

Time to start emptying hoses, picking up flower pots and tidying up the yard.  In the meantime, I have to make this infernal jelly.  Bye for now.


  1. Just testing. Trying to follow your instructions.

    1. Hey! Well done! It worked! Technology is a bit of a test at times, but it's good for us to keep our brains active! Thanks for giving it a go. Have fun on your Sask adventure!
