Friday, 14 September 2012

I just realized I should explain what happened to our poor lamb.  While we're not sure exactly, the whole dog incident might have played a role in Red's demise.  The vet didn't think it was bloat, but he was full of feed and some gas did come out through tubing and the puncture.  When Dennis dressed him out he noticed one side was rather bruised.  Was that caused by the needle used to release gas?  Was it caused by the dogs chasing him into a fence post or tree?  Or, and this is my theory, was it caused by Ben butting him in his side?  Prior to the fall fair, we brought Ben and the 2 ram lambs down to one of the pens by the house.  I saw Ben butting one lamb in his side.  This did cause me concern but after intervening and distracting Ben it seemed to stop.  But I'm wondering if this continued.  Was there internal damage?  Dennis had taken the guts away before I got home so I couldn't examine them closely.  It would have been nice to do a forensic on them, but it was hot so the guts had to go.  Dennis was exhausted after the whole ordeal so I understand he wasn't up to examining guts too closely.  That is usually my job as I am not squeamish. 

Sue had said that these things just happen some times.  They had a 2 year old ewe that just started to behave like Red was, listless and limp.  The ewe just seemed to give up and die for no apparent reason.  So, there you go. 

I'm trying to clear my lungs out after bleaching the floor in the basement.  One thing that this has done is make me determined to have a proper floor put down in the basement.  I don't care what the cost is, it's going to happen.  I am tired of trying to scrub rough concrete with bleach water and then trying to mop it up.  When you have dogs you need a proper floor.  Plain and simple.  Ok, that's it now for sure. 

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